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Smart Bear Market Business Strategies featuring Anne Mank

Posted in: Finance, Coming Events, General, Mangagement, Member News
Posted on: October 19, 2022

By Keith Klein

Portrait of Anne Mank, Presenter of Smart Bear Market Business Strategies

Smart Bear Market Business Strategies 
featuring Anne Mank

Are you curious about what to focus on – smart bear market business strategies – in your business during these economic changes? Join us to learn what Anne Mank, CFP & CPA knows about why we are in a Bear Market and smart strategies that may be favorable for your business.

During this presentation, Anne will share the importance of looking for opportunities in any market cycle, especially a bear market, and address these 3 important things you need to know:

  1. Laying the groundwork – what is a bear market and what got us here
  2. Using your values to guide your business
  3. Importance of strategic spending – being proactive versus reactive

## Our Presenter: Anne Mank, CFP & CPA      Portrait of Anne Mank, Presenter of Smart Bear Market Business Strategies

Anne Mank’s 20+ years of industry experience has taken her around the world, helping companies with her accounting, financial, compliance expertise, and wealth management. Some Wisconsinites may recognize Anne Mank as the former co-host of the weekly radio show Money Sense and as a local #1 Bestselling Business Contributing Author of the book, Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner, Vol. 4. Anne is the Director of Financial Planning at Savant Wealth Management and always on the go with her family. Anne and her husband are actively engaged with their 3 children’s sports and cultural events throughout the year.


Wisconsin Business Owners October 2022 Virtual Meeting
9:40 to 10:50 am, Friday, October 28th
Register online at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/288884087/

## Our Meeting’s Agenda

Date: Friday, October 28th
Location: Zoom Virtual Presentation, courtesy Zoom Concierge, Tamara Burkett
Time: 9:20 am to 10:45 am
9:20 Sign-In
9:30 Welcome & Intro
9:36 Speaker Introduction by Co-Organizer Maggie Mongan

Anne Mank, CFP & CPA
9:40 to 10:00 Program: Smart Bear Market Business Strategies
10:01 Program Q & A
10:15 Upcoming Events
10:20  Multiple Breakout Room Sessions for Getting-to-Know-You Networking
10:42 close
Thank you for joining us!
Converse with Organizers, Offer Suggestions, Ask Questions, Get Contact Info…

Register online at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/288884087/

When you register in advance for this event, you will see a confirmation page containing information about joining the virtual meeting that isn’t quite right (Meetup converts the link every time).  We’ll email you the info to Register AGAIN in advance for this meeting on Zoom (no additional charge).

Fee: $6.00

The purposes of nominal fees:

  1. When the fee is “free” we never know how many will actually show up.
  2. Fee contributes to paying Meetup costs.
  3. Puts a value greater than zero on the process.

I saved over $6,000 in one day – with better results – directly due to a tip I picked up from a presenter at a Wisconsin Business Owners earlier that same day.

In other words, it’s a bargain!

You’ll get out of it what you put into it. Your attuned presence is of much greater value to you and our group than a few bucks. Your awareness of your network and the knowledge to be gained can be a gift to you and your business.

Keith Klein
Thanks to fellow Organizers Maggie Mongan | Tamara Burkett | Mark Mullarky | Mike Raber | Bill Sargent

Many thanks to our Sponsors!

p.s.: We strive to make Wisconsin Business Owners a great learning and personal/professional growth experience. If you can give us a 5-star rating anywhere, please do! If you can’t, please speak with me or another Organizer and tell us why so we may consider and address concerns!

Brilliant Breakthroughs

Brilliant-Breakthroughs-Volume-4-Book-Cover for author Anne Mank, presenter of Smart Bear Market Business Strategies

Brilliant Breakthroughs For The Small Business Owner Vol. 4: Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Business Kindle Edition

Learn more about the whole “Brilliant Breakthroughs For the Small Business Owner” series at Amazon.

Brilliant Breakthroughs Book Series




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About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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