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Overcoming Leadership Blind Spots, by Dr. Jim Bohn

Posted in: Leadership, Lunch and Learn
Posted on: May 18, 2018

By Keith Klein

picture of Dr. Jim Bohn, presenter, Overcoming Leadership Blind Spots and author of Authentic Authenticity

Overcoming Leadership Blind Spots
Presented by Dr. Jim Bohn

Has anyone ever given you feedback that made you uncomfortable, but you knew they were right?

When we learn to drive, we discover a blind spot that can dramatically impact on our lives if we don’t pay attention. The same thing is true in management and leadership. Everyone has blind spots that have a serious impact on our effectiveness if we don’t pay attention to them.

Dr. Jim Bohn spent a long career working with leaders from all over the world, both in corporate settings and in nonprofit volunteer roles. During that time, he discovered common blind spots that impaired leadership effectiveness.

During this session, participants will review several blind spots that are common to many leaders and learn ways to overcome their blind spots.

If you are interested in improving your leadership effectiveness, attend this session to gain some very specific behaviors you can focus on to dramatically change your interactions with people.

MEET OUR “Overcoming Leadership Blindspots” EXPERT: DR. JIM BOHN

picture of Dr. Jim Bohn, presenter, Overcoming Leadership Blind Spots
Overcoming Leadership Blind Spots, by Dr. Jim Bohn

Dr. Jim Bohn is “The Blue-Collar Scholar”. Raised by a factory-working father and armed with a PhD, Dr. Bohn puts theory that works on the table and invites you to roll up your sleeves and go to work! He has organizational expertise and insight from decades of successfully leading leaders and business savvy derived from observing and evaluating the organizational behavior of multiple Fortune 500 organizations. Jim’s rare alloy of practice & theory is hard to find in today’s market, making him a much-appreciated advisor.

I want to share the experience and wisdom I have gained throughout the past four decades with businesses in the Southeast Wisconsin area. I earned my doctorate through 10 years of night school — a lesson in persistence! Having worked with hundreds of leaders and having led teams myself, I have gained a deep knowledge of effective leadership.

info (at) proaxios (dot) com

***Come Join Us!***
To RSVP for Overcoming Leadership Blind Spots, by Dr. Jim Bohn, go to https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/250247212/
and Click on the “I’m going box” to start your registration now.

You will be able to reserve your seat to network with other authentic relationship builders. Bring plenty of business cards and brochures to share!

***ITINERARY Friday, May 25, 2018***

This is the start of the Lunch & Learn…
early arrival allows more open-networking time.

12:00 (Noon) – All-You-Can-Eat Buffet & Salad Bar!
Network with great Business Owners and build strong
relationships at your table while Lunching

12:30 to 12:37 – Break for seconds, then settle in…
12:37 – Keith’s Minute
12:40 – Speaker Introduction
12:45 – Speaker Presentation: Dr. Jim Bohn
1:15 – Prize Drawings
1:25 – End… or stick around to build relationships!

Your attendance means you may be shown on tape…and you’re okay with that!

Keith Klein
Owner, OnYourMark, LLC

***Come Join Us!***
To RSVP for Overcoming Leadership Blind Spots, by Dr. Jim Bohn, go to https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/250247212/
and Click on the “I’m going box” to start your registration now.

Questions?  Suggestions?  Please Contact Us!

About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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