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Wisconsin Business Owners Hurdles 1,000 Member Mark!

Posted in: Member News
Posted on: November 28, 2015

By Keith Klein

Wisconsin Business Owners Tops 1,000 Members

Wisconsin Business Owners Group shot October 2015
Wisconsin Business Owners at October, 2015 morning session

I’m thankful for much this holiday weekend.  One of the professional milestones is the growth of Wisconsin Business Owners.

Wisconsin Business Owners surpassed the 1,000 Member milestone about the 12th of October, 2015.

I attribute our continued growth to a number of things:

  • Adding Maggie Mongan of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. as a co-organizer.
  • Maggie promptly recruiting a great group of fellow organizers to join Karin Conway, Maggie and me.
  • Continued quality of our presenters, great people delivering quality content.
  • The continued outstanding meals and service at the Midway Hotel.  Our chef got a standing ovation at our last Lunch & Learn!
  • Meetup.com continues to be a great tool for managing meetups and attracting new members.
  • Our Members themselves ~ many bring a friend, who brings a friend next time…that’s organic growth and we continue to enjoy meeting new people.

We encourage new members.  You don’t have to know someone to join…much of our whole purpose is meeting new people and developing relationships that last.  If you have questions, call Keith at 262-853-7900 to learn more.  We’ll make it easy to join (and it is free to join) by adding a Meetup video showing you how to sign up (again, for free!).

Thanks to all our Members, and on behalf of all our Members, we hope your holiday is filled with peace, prosperity, health and happiness for you and yours.


Keith Klein

p.s.: At the time of writing, November 28, we’ve added 79 more Wisconsin Business Owners members to our ranks!  That makes for another 7.9 % growth in members (on a much larger base) in just the last six weeks!


About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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