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New Tech making Business Owners’ lives easy!

Posted in: Special Morning Session
Posted on: May 4, 2015

By Keith Klein

Come for great networking, coffee, learning, and door prizes!

Get ready to boost your productivity with technology as Patty Jaeger shows us the ropes to maneuver our hi-tech lives! Please bring your fully charged laptop, tablet, and/or smartphone to this session.

New Technology Making Life Simpler for Business Owners:
Gestures & Intro to Windows 8 & 8.1
by Patty Jaeger

Do you have an old Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 computer and now have to upgrade to Windows 8, or just got a new computer with Windows 8; and can’t seem to get used to all the changes? Have you been scratching your head over how to quickly become familiar with Windows 8.1 and be productively using a new computer? This workshop will help you comfortably make the change to the new operating system and learn all the slick new gestures to make your life easier.

New technologies are emerging daily. Wouldn’t it be a shame to have all these new tools available to you but you aren’t even aware they are there or how to use them appropriately? Are you hearing phrases such as convergent technology, but don’t know what it means- even though you are probably already using it? Regardless of your hardware brand, did you know that common software is more adaptable and can be utilized across different operating systems now?

During this FUN and educational Special Morning Session we will learn how to become more tech savvy to improve our productivity levels. We will practice using gestures on our own touch screen devices we bring AND have a brief overview of the new operating system Windows 8.1:

1.  Gestures – tap, pinch, stretch, slide, press and hold, switch apps, size and move apps, app slide bar

2.  Live Tiles

3.  Keyboard Controls (short cuts)

4.  Charms Menu:  smart search, file explorer, desk top, pin/size/organizing apps

5.  File Manager

6.  Start Menu

7.  Shut Down

When we are complete, you’ll know how to:

• More productively use the new Windows 8.1

• Know what the future of convergent technology is and how you can incorporate it with your business growth needs

• Intelligently experiment with new computer systems

• Wield the power you already have available at your fingertips!

Meet Our Expert: Patty Jaeger

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Patty Jaeger has always had a keen appreciation for innovation’s good design and practicality. Patty’s sharp eye for design was swiftly noticed when she graduated with a degree in Math, Secondary Education and Computer Science. Since then, Patty has grown with the ever-emerging industry of computer science and how humans interface with it.

Patty started work as a programmer, analyst, and project lead in very large corporations dealing with Main frame computers. In the mid 80’s, Patty and her husband, who was one of 4 people who designed and implemented the EFT system – ability to put money in and take money out of your bank account with a card at a bank machine,  started a family consulting company.  Together, they designed, developed, and implemented personal lines rating (auto and homeowner) software for independent insurance agents enabling them to do comparative quoting using, at that time, the new small computers that were coming out:  Ohio Scientific, IBM PC/XT/AT and Apple computers. These computers used languages like:  Basic, Pascal and C.  After this, she taught for IBM and MATC for over ten years. She became an expert at: what a personal computer was and how to use it, and new applications being developed.

In 1984, Patty became an independent consultant, working with small businesses and large corporations on implementing and standardizing computers, developing software and training how to use software in the office to provide, and create a productive atmosphere. Education has always played a big part in her life. Our Expert says, “Designing and implementing was one thing.  Showing owners and users how to use a computer and programs was another thing.”  Patty is enthusiastically dedicated to learning and growing with technology, no matter who the major companies providing the innovations are:  Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Asus, and Google. And no matter what the operating systems:  Microsoft, Apple IOS, Android, and Linux. These are ALL striving toward a convergence of ALL technologies, devices, and ideas for communication in our lives.

Contact Information:
PLJ Computer Services, LLC
Patty Jaeger
Direct Dial: 262-785-9200

*** Special Morning Session Itinerary***

9:45 Registration & Networking – Cost is $10 with advance registration
Coffee bar, including coffee, water, juice and danish
10:00 Presentation
10:45 Q & A
11:00 Finish*
*OR continue…join us for even more Networking, Lunching, and Learning (Wis Owners Lunch & Learn starts at 11:15. Separate registration is required.)

*** Come Join Us! Click on “I’m going box” to start your registration now. 
You will be able to reserve your seat and won’t be charged until the day of the event. ALSO, if you plan to attend the May 29th Lunch and Learn “Building Your Sphere of Influence”, you will need register for that workshop separately.

***SPEECHES MAY BE VIDEOTAPED – Your attendance at
Wisconsin Business Owners means you may be shown on
tape…and you’re okay with that!
Thanks to David Kocol of http://www.DavidKocol.com

Please contact Keith with suggestions or questions.
Join us – RSVP now!


Mark Mullarky of Mullarky Business Systems! From one to fifty PCs,
Mark is your man for Computers and Computer Networks.
Learn more at http://www.MBSWI.com and check out a great
blog at http://www.mbswi.com/blog/

Maggie Mongan of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Rocks! 
Check out over 500 blog posts to simplify your business’s
success at http://www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com 

Atty. Melissa Mortensen of Mortensen Law Firm, LLC 
Hire the legal know-how and trusted business partner.

Greg Adlington of Next Gen Commercial Capital, LLC

Ron Chandler of Summit Investment Management, Ltd. 

Lucas J. Robak of Skillset Life Coaching, LLC 

Videographer David Kocol of David Kocol, LLC 

George Schroeder, 3rd Generation Custom Home Builder 

Karin Conway of KMC Marketing, LLC 

—-Thank you to our sponsors!—-

********* You can always get in touch with me through the
“Contact Organizer” link on Meetup:

Regards, Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Owner, OnYourMark, LLC http://www.OnYourMark.com 
Google Phone: 262-820-8201

Author of WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence http://WebForging.com This 242 page guide is written in non-geek speak especially for small business owners in Manufacturing, Real Estate and Construction, Professional Services and Specialty Retail. Copies are available for $39.95. Only $20 if Keith signs yours at the event!

Producer of Videocracy, the video, photo and audio arm of
OnYourMark, LLC. http://www.Videocracy.com

p.s.: Bring handouts that we’ll make available to everyone!
p.p.s.: Link up with us on LinkedIn ~
Our focus moving forward is to extend the value of the enhanced relationships engendered in our Wisconsin Business Owners Group, in person and online. Extend the value of your deepening relationships at our LinkedIn Wisconsin Business Owners Group.Details to be announced.

Post Tags:
Post Categories: Special Morning Session

About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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