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Blockchain Fireside Chat – How the blockchain is changing money and business, Don Tapscott

Posted in: Technology, Finance, Video
Posted on: March 8, 2019

By Keith Klein

TED-BlockChain-Capture Blockchain Fireside Chat

BlockChain Fireside Chat Preparation


Picture of Dave Rebro presenting at Wisconsin Business Owners - Blockchain -
Dave Rebro presenting at Wisconsin Business Owners – Blockchain –

Wisconsin Business Owners speaker Dave Rebro presents again on March 29, 2019, for a Blockchain Fireside Chat.

Come join us!

Info and RSVP at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/259544560/

More info coming soon about our Lunch & Learn the same day.  Our Wisconsin Business Owners Meetup is free to join, members pay only for events they attend.

Blockchain TED Talk


About the Speaker (from TED.com):

Don Tapscott – Digital strategist

Don Tapscott, Executive Chairman of the Blockchain Research Institute, is one of the world’s leading authorities on the impact of technology in business and society. He has authored 16 books, including “Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything,” which has been translated into over 25 languages.

Wisconsin Business Owners provides this information to:
– help you “catch up” if you missed our February Lunch & Learn
– provide an excellent overview of the importance of blockchain, whether you attended Dave Rebro’s introduction to blockchain or not.

Please contact Keith Klein if you have any suggestions or questions about Wisconsin Business Owners.

Please join us at Meetup.com – FREE – at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/

We’d love for you to follow and like us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, among others, as well.

Keith Klein




About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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