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Best Wisconsin Business Development Group

Posted in: Lunch and Learn, Member News, Organizing
Posted on: August 2, 2015

By Keith Klein

Wisconsin Business Development Group ~ The Best!

We had a great time on our Lunch & Cruise a couple of day’s ago, topped off by one of the nicest testimonials one could hope for.  Jody Pogorzelski wrote this about our Wisconsin Business Owners group in facebook Friday evening following the cruise.

Picture of Jody Pogorzelsk, aka Jody Pogo, with the words Super Fun Times, talking about the best Wisconsin business development group.
Thank you so much for the kind words (and neat pic!) about the best Wisconsin business development group, Jody!

I had a GREAT afternoon with the Wisconsin Business Owners gang.  Perfect weather for being on the riverboat.  I truly enjoy spending time with these people.  Friendly, personable and real.  This is one of the few “networking” groups that is not all about the sale.  Solid, supportive business relationships and friendships are born here.  It is because of this, that I consider myself a “lifer” in this group.  Well done, my friends, well done.


I couldn’t agree more!  I had a GREAT afternoon with the Wisconsin Business Owners gang, too!  Glad we ordered perfect weather and Mom Nature delivered!

Our people on board were awesome!  I got to make the rounds, upper and lower deck, at least five times and enjoyed every bit of each conversation with everyone.

Like Jody said, this group is not all about the sale.  Well, it is about the sale – but in a much deeper, more meaningful way.  When you build the kind of solid, supportive business relationships and, indeed, friendships that are kindled by our group, and you pick up the skills in our “Lunch & Learns” and special morning sessions to boot, you can’t help but develop relationships and skills that lead to sales.  While you’re on your way, you get to enjoy yourself!

Jody, I join you in being a “lifer” in the best Wisconsin business development group around!  And I sincerely thank you for your observations that make up one of the best testimonials I could imagine.

We’ll add a post with pics and highlights of Friday’s Lunch & Cruise, and invite all our Members in attendance to add to the reviews of our extra-fine Wisconsin business development group at http://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/223150933/


p.s.:  I have to give a big thank you to all our organizers and members for helping this group succeed and grow!

Also, a big shout out to Greg Dement and another great Wisconsin business development group, us referrals!  A like-minded group, us referrals is all about the development of deep business and personal relationships that go way beyond “paper referrals.”  We have fun there too!  The Brewer game the night before the cruise, attended by Wisconsin Business Owners and us referrals members was a hoot!


About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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