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Wisconsin Business Networking Testimonials – Thanks for all the kind words!

Posted in: Member News
Posted on: October 14, 2015

By Keith Klein

Picture of Maggie Mongan who gives one of many great Wisconsin Business Networking Testimonials

“I appreciate everyone being candid and helpful. Authentic relationship building is the heart of this exceptional group. This is a networking group in the truest sense!”

Maggie M. on Feb 28, 2015.

Maggie M. Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc http://www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com

highres_241891541 a very fine group of business owners. I look forward to meeting many more over the next few months at future meetups. 

Derek on Aug 2, 2015.

Derek World of Wisdom, LLC http://www.ProjectCelebrationCenter.com

Chad_U If you want to expand your business through quality relationships, Wisconsin Business Owners is a great place to start. 

Chad U. on Dec 3, 2010.

Chad U

KarinConway The information presented is amazing. A very good value for the investment of time and money. 

Karin C. on Aug 28, 2010.

Karin Conway KMC Marketing, LLC http://www.KMCmkt.com

sonnyA A group of very friendly & successful individuals who are ready to share their knowledge & expertise that can take you to the next level. Perfect place to network with winners! 

Sonny A. on May 28, 2011.

Sonny A

member_73015922 The holiday open house was an incredible experience with a lot of very interesting people and I would like to thank everyone for welcoming me to the event and the phenomenal conversations we shared. 

— Steve K. on Dec 13, 2013.

Steve K L K Consulting http://lkconsulting.net

member_224886422 Quality people already here; great mix of people. Excellent venue just for the food! The conversations and speakers are a bonus! Very high quality speakers. We learn a ton from people who are among the best anywhere at what they do. As personal relationships develop, business relationships are enhanced. Glad to say we also pick up business here and have fun doing it. Regards, Keith 

Keith K. on Oct 31, 2014.

Keith Klein http://www.OnYourMark.com

member 247927850

 Great group. Keith strives to book presenters that offer real-world solutions that we can take back and implement immediately. Even if the topic doesn’t appeal to me that day, I take notes so I can revisit the subject matter later. 

Tom F. on Jul 1, 2012.

Tom F. Supreme Communications, LLC http://fuszard.wordpress.com

 What a wonderful event, even more fun than last year. Met some very interesting people! I am looking forward to next year!!! Thanks for a great evening! 

Barb L. on Dec 13, 2013.

Barb L


 I believe it is an excellent networking tool to meet other quality professionals in our local area. Not only did I have a nice time, but it was very informative. 

George S. on Mar 28, 2014.

George S. Schroeder Builders LLC http://SchroederBuilders.com


 Always great speakers. I love learning and Keith brings in valuable information and talented businessmen/women every month for our last Friday of the month lunch meetings. Always great food and enthusiastic networking. What a deal! 

Sunni b. on Jul 14, 2014.

Sunni B Sunny Seminars & Coaching http://www.sunniboehme.com

Pic of Ron-Chandler-member_223610032 WBO is a great resource for Small Business owners to learn and to demonstrate their value to others! 

Ron Chandler on Mar 28, 2015

Ron Chandler Ron Chandler, Principal, Summit Investments http://www.SumInvest.com

member_249970805“ No matter where you go, there is always an opportunity to network. The Wisconsin Business Owners is no different in this aspect. What makes the WBO stand out is the value that is provided to each attendee every month. Every time I go, there is a new speaker/trainer who provides the right information so that everyone has a different take away!! ”

— Lucas J. R. on Jan 12, 2015.

Lucas J. R. http://www.LucasRobak.com

member_54980772 Excellent group of friendly, supportive and knowledgeable business people ready to help you grow & succeed. Attend a meeting to see for yourself. You will want to join 

— Claudia H. on Jan 31, 2015.

Claudia H. Career Role Model Program, Inc. http://www.CareerRoleModel.com

highres 10382761

 Good programs. There is always something of interest and the opportunities to make additional business connections for vendors and prospects continues. 

Dean P. on Jul 31, 2010.

Dean P Unique Solutions and Insurance http://deanpearson.acsiapartners.com

We really appreciate all the Wisconsin Business Networking Testimonials!

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About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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