Merry Christmas 2020

Posted in: General
Posted on: December 21, 2020

By Keith Klein

Merry Christmas 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

Dear Friends,

It’s December, and the end of the year cannot come soon enough. 2020 definitely has been a year that we won’t forget. The pandemic, the election, the stock market, social unrest, all in one year. Masks… I am tired of wearing a mask. My blood pressure is getting higher just by talking about it. Yet it’s Christmas, a season of celebration, time to think about the birth of our Savior and King. Our world may seem to be falling apart, but be assured that because of the love of our God, and the birth of His Son Jesus, through faith, things will be alright. Psalm 46: says to “Be still and know that I am God.” In other words, Relax, God is in control. One way or another He has promised to take care of us.

Merry Christmas 2020Our Christmas wishes we send to you. To our friends we thank you for your friendship; to our customers, we thank you for your business; and to our vendors we thank you for your support and knowledge. We value our relationships with all, and pray for peace, prosperity, and harmony in the upcoming year.

Merry Christmas 2020 from all of us at OnYourMark, LLC


Keith Klein & the Team at OnYourMark

Thanks to our friends at W. Haut Specialty Company for posting this originally, and sharing it with us – to share with you.

A few more thoughts about a Merry Christmas 2020

We thought we’d share some good reading with you.  Here are a few articles from The Atlantic Monthly – in my opinion, the most well-written magazine I’ve known for over forty years:

Have Yourself a Million Little Christmases

How to Build a Life” is a biweekly column by Arthur Brooks, tackling questions of meaning and happiness.


Measuring Your Happiness Can Help Improve It

To quote the tales of Lake Wobegon (pronounced Woe Be Gone) ‘signature’, “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”  And Merry Christmas to you and yours.


We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please feel free to contact us anytime.

If you like, you will find us on these social media, among others:

Photo of Keith Klein, Wisconsin Business Owners
Keith Klein

Founder, Owner, <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">OnYourMark, LLC</a> <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners</a> <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">AMSOIL Dealer, Main Street Oil</a> Author of <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener">WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence</a>

Post Tags: Christmas, Holidays
Post Categories: General
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