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Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Posted in: Sponsor News
Posted on: February 16, 2015

By Keith Klein

Neuro Linguistic Programming, more commonly known as NLP, is a model of communication and personality.

NLP explains how we process the information that comes to us from the outside world.  Our internal representations that we make about an outside event are not necessarily the event itself. It is only our perception of that event. Our perceptions of reality have been proven to be false.

When an external event takes place, we run that event through our internal processing department which creates our internal representation of that event.  This internal representation combined with a physiology creates our internal emotional state for that event.

When an event occurs, it comes in through our 5 senses:

  • Visual – What we see
    • How we look at it
  • Auditory – Sounds and words we hear
    • Even the way someone “says” those words to us
  • Kinesthetic – What we feel from an external feeling
    • The touch of someone or something
    • Texture
    • Pressure
    • Temperature
  • Olfactory – Smell
  • Gustatory – Taste

After the event comes in and our senses process it, we all naturally:

  • Delete – Everyone selectively pays attention to certain details of an experience and overlook others.  If we did not naturally go through the process of deletion, we would be overwhelmed with all the information the outside world gives us on a second-to-second basis.
  • Distort – This is when you make a false representation of reality.  Why do you think police detectives get 10 different stories from 10 different witnesses of the exact event?
  • Generalize – This is the way we learn.  We take global conclusions based on one or two experiences.  The information that we have helps us create a meaning of those conclusions that we derived at.

We have 5 filters that help us filter the information we have just deleted, distorted and generalized:

  • Meta-Programs – The way someone handles information.  Through this, you can predict someone’s state and therefore, their actions.
  • Values – Help us decide if our actions, and actions of others, are right or wrong.  They help us decide how we feel about our actions.
  • Beliefs – The deciding factor in our ability to do anything.  They either cause us to do what we do or cause us to not do what we want to do (limiting belief).
  • Memories – Some psychologists believe our actions are not caused by the present events, but rather the memories that we have accumulated and organized in a certain way.
  • Decisions – These are directly related to memories and the decisions you make may cause you to make, break or create certain beliefs. Most of our decisions are made unconsciously which came to us from an early age from outside factors such as your parents and teachers.

These 5 filters outlined above determine what our internal representation is of any event that is occurring right now.  This creates a certain state of mind which directly determines our behavior.

Every experience that you go through is made up inside your head.  We do not experience reality in a direct way.

University of Pennsylvania – 1970 Communication Study

  • 7% is the words we say
    • Content
  • 38% is our verbal behavior
    • Tone
    • Timbre
    • Tempo
    • Volume
  • 55% is our nonverbal communication
    • Body Posture
    • Breathing
    • Skin Color (it changes with emotions – this does not mean race or ethnicity)
    • Body Movement

In essence, when we communicate with someone – 93% of how the person perceives what you are saying is not what you are saying, it is how you say it.

Meet Our Expert: Lucas J. Robak

Certified Neuro-Lingusitic Programming (NLP) Practitioner.  NLP is language of the mind to  successfully achieve concise results  through subconscious  communication.

After finishing his BS Flight Operations degree, Lucas J. Robak  starting soaring on other horizons.  Instead of applying for pilot  positions, Lucas applied for 501(c)3  status for a nonprofit: Melody of Life  Foundation. For the next 4-5 years  Lucas floundered around in more  jobs than he can remember, while  now stating, “I was lost!” Eventually he became a high school tutor and substitute teacher, went to UW-Milwaukee to gain a Teachers Certificate. After 18 months of serving within the traditional education system, Lucas was disenchanted and became lost once more.

After meeting a local life coach, his eyes were open to another realm of possibilities. After great research, Lucas began his “Life Coaching” career and received his NLP Certification in June of 2014. After Lucas was diagnosed with MS in May 2014, he expanded the mission of Melody of Life to providing treatment, which is not covered by insurance, for people with MS (multiple sclerosis). Today, Lucas hosts inspirational fundraisers and provides empowering workshops leading up to and following each fundraising event to fiscally support the needs of Melody of Life.

Lucas J. Robak
Address: PO Box 210921 Milwaukee, WI 53221
Direct Dial: 414-520-5163
Personal Website: www.LucasRobak.com
NLP and Life Coaching Website: www.SkillsetLifeCoaching.com
Nonprofit Website: www.MelodyofLifeFoundation.org

Post Tags: nlp
Post Categories: Sponsor News

About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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