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Managing Meetup Email Notifications

Posted in: Meetup.com
Posted on: February 23, 2023

By Keith Klein

Meetup email notification settings
Managing Meetup Email Notifications

This post gives you a few ways to look at managing Meetup email notifications.  Each takes two or three minutes to view, and perhaps ten minutes to implement for your notifications.  This is our meetup group at https://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/.  

This tutorial is made for Wisconsin Business Owners' Meetup Group, yet may give members of other groups good grounding in managing Meetup email notifications.

First approach, in a few easy steps:

One) Login at Meetup.com

Two) Once you're logged in, click your Avatar in the top right corner.  Then click on your Group (in our case, Wisconsin Business Owners)

managing meetup email notifications - first steps

Third)  Now that you're at your Profile for your Group page (in our case, Wisconsin Business Owners) - click on the link "Email Settings" (highlighted in the image below):

Managing Meetup Email Notifications - Image 2
More Tutorials on How to Edit Your Meetup Email Update Preferences

Each of the YouTube videos below are about 2 minutes long.  Your screen may not look exactly the same because of personal or Group preferences, but the structure is similar.

On the email updates page, you can control the types of emails you'll receive from meetup about your activities, events and groups.

 You'll see preferences associated with your site-wide profile such as receiving emails, about direct messages, new meetup groups and updates for meetup HQ.

For updates by group, use the search bar to quickly locate a group you'd like to edit your email settings for.   

If you're an organizer of the group, you'll see certain email types only available to you; for example, when a new member joins the group, and when members register for events.

Feel free to schedule a 20-minute video chat for help with your settings.  Click on "Book a 20-Minute Support Meeting" at https://www.onyourmark.com/client-support/  The meeting should only take ten to twenty minutes.


We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for best response.

We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs).

As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:

Post Tags: Meetup.com
Post Categories: Meetup.com

About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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