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The Three Pillars of Cold Calling Success

Posted in: Special Morning Session, Marketing
Posted on: August 30, 2016

By Keith Klein

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Join us on Sept. 30 for The Three Pillars of Cold Calling Success, an Extra-ordinary Morning Session!
RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/233370196/
Coffee bar and danishes included.  Details below and at the link above.

The Three Pillars of Cold Calling Success
Presented by Paul Neuberger, The Cold Call Coach

Would you like a better cold call success rate? Would you enjoy getting in front of your ideal clients on a more regular basis? Sick of playing the six degrees of separation game?

Most people say, “If only I could get in front of more people, my product sells itself.” Ready to finally get over that hump? With an effective approach to cold calling, not only can you get in front of who you want, when you want, but you can do so very quickly at next to no cost to your organization. By simply picking up the phone with no warm introduction, cold calling puts you in full control of your professional future. Lock out your competition by ensuring that you are able to get dedicated face time with your ideal clients and top prospects on your terms.

During this presentation, you will learn the three main things that should be present in each and every cold call we make and why each is so vitally important to the overall success of this endeavor. Paul will break down his philosophy and approach to cold calling in simple, easy to understand concepts that will show why the traditional way of conducting this practice is flawed. By heading into each call strategically, knowing what to say and how to say it, and paying close attention to the dynamics of human psychology, you will leave with several takeaways that you can start to implement immediately in an effort to get more face time with the individuals and/or organizations of your choice.

If you want to make a low cold call success rate a thing of the past, then make plans to join us for this game changing workshop.

Paul is committed to cold calling integrity, namely how to achieve a high cold call success rate without using gimmicky language or resorting to manipulative, deceiving techniques. Paul has spent years meticulously breaking down successful and unsuccessful approaches to cold calling and has developed a system that will revolutionize the industry forever. Ditch the aggressive sales pitch and learn how to cold call in a manner that is honest, truthful, and actually brings value to the person on the other end!


Picture of Paul Neuberger is a professional cold caller and Founder of The Cold Call Coach, LLC. He has the proven formula for Cold Calling Success!
Paul Neuberger is a professional cold caller and Founder of The Cold Call Coach, LLC. He has the proven formula for Cold Calling Success!

Paul Neuberger is a professional cold caller and Founder of The Cold Call Coach, LLC. He works with professionals of all disciplines to show them how to get in front of who they want, when they want, for whatever reason they want, simply by picking up the phone. Since he created this business in October 2015, Paul has spoken in front of thousands of people and has been featured in several national publications.

Among his clients, Paul has worked with professional sports teams, Fortune 500 companies, but also solo entrepreneurs and stay-at-home moms who enjoy selling on the side. He works with his clients in individual or group settings and is regularly asked to speak at annual sales meetings, corporate retreats, and other functions that emphasize personal and professional development.

Before starting this business, Paul was a professional fundraiser for seven years, followed by a stint as a financial advisor for three more. He is a 2005 graduate of Ripon College and currently resides in Menomonee Falls, WI with his wife, Tanya, and two boys: Kennedy (3) and Hudson (2). When not cold calling and speaking, Paul enjoys politics, reading, and spending quality time with his family.

Contact Paul Directly:
Direct Dial: 414-313-8338
Website: www.coldcallcoach.net

Join us today!  

***RSVP to Reserve Your Seat For Paul’s Cold Calling Success Training Session!
RSVP at http://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/233370196/

AND RSVP to Reserve Your Seat for our Lunch & Learn too:
Also, Tony Gnau, of T60 Productions, will be presenting on Storytelling during our Lunch & Learn. If you would like to attend the Lunch & Learn too, after you are done registering here for Paul Neuberger’s training session, click on this link: http://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/231805139/ for Sept. 30th Lunch & Learn’s Storytelling presentation.

About Wisconsin Business Owners


Stacy Kaat of Stacy Kaat Photography will sharpen your brand and your image!
Check out http://www.StacyKaat.com

Mark Mullarky of Mullarky Business Systems! From 1-50 PCs, Mark is your man for Computers and Computer Networks. Learn more at http://www.MBSWI.com

Maggie Mongan of Brilliant Breakthroughs, Inc. Rocks!
Check out over 700 blog posts to simplify your business’s
profitability at http://www.BrilliantBreakthroughs.com

Greg Adlington of Next Gen Commercial Capital, LLC 

Ron Chandler of Summit Investment Management, Ltd. 

Lucas J. Robak of Skillset Life Coaching, LLC 

George Schroeder, 3rd Generation Custom Home Builders 

Karin Conway of KMC Marketing, LLC 

Earl Smith, Consultant / Legal Shield 

—-Thank you to our sponsors!—-

You can always get in touch with Maggie & me through the
“Contact Organizer” link on Meetup:  http://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/suggestion/


Thank you!

Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Owner, OnYourMark, LLC
Google Phone: 262-820-8201

Author of WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence

p.s.: Link up with us on LinkedIn:~
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JOIN US!  RSVP today at http://www.meetup.com/wisconsin-business-owners/events/233370196/

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About the author 

Keith Klein

Founder & CEO

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